So, picked up a couple things at Awesome Con.

Which was fun, once I internalized the fact that it was primarily a comic book convention (I was expecting more RPGs, or any RPGs, really). So I grabbed a bunch of prints. For example:


…I have no idea where I’m putting that.

7 thoughts on “So, picked up a couple things at Awesome Con.”

  1. A year ago I noticed that there aren’t any RPG conventions in the DC area, and someone mentioned Awesome Con. I was surprised to have not heard of it, but felt a little better when I realized that there wasn’t any gaming to it at all. Still a niche for me to fill some day when my schedule opens up!

  2. There’s a fair bit of boardgaming at Balticon, and I saw an “reserved for RPGs” room. Nobody was in there at 1 pm, but I’m not terribly surprised. Some panel content focused on RPGs, but it wasn’t the principal focus of the con, to be sure.

  3. How about a mod so you can hang on a wall in your Fallout 4 settlement.

  4. So, did you run into Ashe Schow? She was tweeting about being there as well.

    1. I’ve been told that I’m a little weird and I guess this confirms it – when I see the name Ashe Schow I want to say gesundheit.

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