The not-really ‘Jane menaced by a hippo’ Legend of Tarzan trailer.

So, new trailer for The Legend of Tarzan, which is NOT the trailer that I wanted to show, because THAT trailer definitely featured a couple of seconds of Jane being chased by a hippo. I wanted to show people that because it’s a very encouraging sign that the people who made the film have something of a clue about the setting. You see: if you have a choice between being menaced by a lion or a hippo, choose the lion.

No, seriously. Lions don’t like to tangle with humans; hippos don’t care. The question of which species kills more people every year is apparently the subject of some debate, but still: Do Not Pet The Hippo. Go Somewhere Else. Carefully, But Quickly.

Anyway, a good sign.

8 thoughts on “The not-really ‘Jane menaced by a hippo’ Legend of Tarzan trailer.”

  1. Looks interesting. And Margot Robbie is extremely pretty. And is Samuel Jackson striving to be this generation’s Gene Hackman?

  2. Some of the most viciously territorial animals on the planet are the big herbivores, cf. hippos, rhinos and, naturally, the Cape Buffalo.

      1. Are they Cape buffalo or wildebeests? I’ve never gotten a clear look at them, but if it’s the former, that’s even more badass.

  3. Hopefully they don’t have too much of the horrible uncanny valley CGI baby. You know?

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