So MAYBE some more Fallout 4 DLC drops today.


The slip up this time is from Microsoft, who has already slipped up twice this week when it comes to Bethesda, offering up Fallout 4 and its DLC for free on the Xbox marketplace. Now, the Xbox marketplace has revealed yet another one of Bethesda’s announcements ahead of time when several users reported being able to download a new Fallout 4 DLC, Contraptions Workshop.

The aforementioned Xbox screwup, by the way, got rectified – and they were QUICK about it, too.  It’s funny how thoroughly my opinions about taking advantage of a company’s mistake have changed, over the years. When I was 25, I’d have had no sympathy for Microsoft and/or Bethesda.  These days? …Well.  Don’t steal stuff. I suppose that Microsoft figured that it was in their best long-term interests to reward the people doing the stealing by offering them a reduced price to unlock the product, but I still don’t think that you should steal stuff. [UPDATE: Ah, apparently they just got a ten buck credit generally. Still got off easy, really.]

Still. Contraptions Workshop would be fun. Especially if they relax the settlement building limits a little.

3 thoughts on “So MAYBE some more Fallout 4 DLC drops today.”

  1. I just put a hundred hours into a fresh survival playthrough where I did Automaton and Far Harbor, so I’m going to let more DLC pass until I get through all that Witcher 3 DLC I have been waiting on/

    1. The Witcher DLC is pretty meaty. Heart of Stone was a decent length, and the story was decent.

      Blood and Wine is huge for an expansion. The main quest line is not too bad, but the really great storylines are in the side quests- a lot of good stuff there. Enough to make me think about starting a third playthrough to go back through all the good stuff and make use of the goodies added by the expansion (mutation system.)

      Witcher 3 is massive enough though that I think I will have to play a few other things for a while before really getting into it.

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