Naomi Novik’s last alt-history-Napoleonic-War-with-combat-dragons Temeraire novel. Dammit. I remember when the series first came out: they dropped at least the first two books, and maybe the first three, all at the same time. Gutsy move, but it worked: I read the first one, rushed back to the store to get the next one(s) – then realized, horrified, that I was going to have to wait for more Temeraire books from here on out.
This did not please me.
I lost track on this series at, I think, Victory of Eagles. Whatever book it was came out, and they wanted more for the ebook than the hardback, and I ended up deciding to wait until they were sane, and just…forgot about them.
I guess now that the final book is out, once the last book gets down to sane pricing I might pick them back up. But the paperbacks of the first four are boxed up in one of the twenty moving boxes of paperbacks, which I hope to one day have a big enough house to have unboxed on shelves, so I’d end up re-buying those on ebook I guess.
If you do end up picking up ebooks… at Amazon at least, In His Majesty’s Service (omnibus of the first 3 + a short story) is $9.99, vs $7.99 for Black Powder War, $4.99 for Throne of Jade, and $1.99 for His Majesty’s Dragon.
(in the middle of a reread that I started too late)