So, this… Pokemon Go thing. Is it conducive…

…to getting people out of the house more?  Because it seems to be doing that to people. Frex:

…I’m not really sure how I feel about that. On the one hand, I really need more exercise.  On the other hand, this feels like operant conditioning (probably because it is).  And on the gripping hand, I’ve managed to avoid getting addicted to Pokemon thus far and I’m mildly proud of myself for that.


7 thoughts on “So, this… Pokemon Go thing. Is it conducive…”

    1. I got Ingress three years ago, and it’s definitely gotten me out of the house more than I would have gone on my own. Also got to meet a lot of cool people in the Resistance and see a lot of cool stuff.

  1. It’s gotten Junior Cat out of the house three times in the last 24 hours .. he moved back in after a bad roommate situation ..
    It’s also given him and his friends something to talk about *other than* Dallas.
    *glances at no-politics shock collar*
    Junior also says it eats phone battery life like crazy, and that it’s using existing landmarks as the start of the framework, so .. since I live in the middle of nowhere *on purpose* .. if he wants to catch ’em all, he’s gotta get out of the house.
    I’ll take it.

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