Tweet of the Day, Now This Is A Solid Business Plan edition.

It’s the color-coding that impresses, really. I assume that it won’t actually reflect the purchases of Pokemon Go Teams Blue/Red/Yellow, but it’s clever none the less. I should also note that this is traditionally how smart Americans have made their piles: not by the latest craze, but by selling supplies to the people in the grips of the latest craze. It’s like printing money, really.

7 thoughts on “Tweet of the Day, Now This Is A Solid Business Plan edition.”

  1. That’s how the city of Seattle got on the map – it mined the Klondike *miners*.

  2. I was watching a Twitch stream yesterday where a host was wandering around a local mall streaming herself catching Pokemon. A thing to note was the local Pen and Paper RPG store was placing Pokemon lures out pretty constantly to get people inside the store. Plus they’d set themselves up as a portal back in the Ingress days, so they were a Pokestop too. Damn good marketing on their part, in my judgement.

    1. > the local Pen and Paper RPG store was placing Pokemon lures out pretty constantly to get people inside the store

      A lot of places are doing that: restaurants, for example. There’s an anime store near where I work that’s a pokestop, too, and they’re putting out lures. I figure a couple bucks a day, or whatever the lures cost, must be good advertising.

      1. There’s an animal shelter that started offering dog walks at five bucks an hour to people who wanted to go hunting for Pokemon but needed an excuse. Apparently demand is such that they now have to schedule the dogs for walks. When they can even get the dogs back; people keep calling them up to say that, hey, yeah, this particular dog is awesome and they’re not giving him back.

  3. I like this kid. The detailed labeling on the lemonade(?) and the hand-drawn sign on top of the raw entrepreneurship…
    Barring someone from the government trying to “help,” she will go very far.

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