Today is the last day to vote in the ENnie Awards.

So if you have a favorite RPG from the last year that’s up for a nomination, and you haven’t voted for it yet, go do so.  Actually, even if you have voted already you should probably double-check.  They apparently lost a few votes because of a computer hiccup.

2 thoughts on “Today is the last day to vote in the ENnie Awards.”

  1. Completely unrelated, but I thought you’d like know that you’re ahead of the power curve. Ace (over at ) just posted
    “I think it’s time for me to announce that I’m looking to make my exit from the blog and politics as soon as I can arrange it. I can’t take the stupidity, the juvenile hero worship, the backbiting, the groupthink enforced by bullies and dummies any more.
    It’s disgusting. It’s stupid. It’s unhealthy for the mind and spirit.
    I just can’t take it much longer. And I won’t.”

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