New Martial Art (Supers): Lock-On [GURPS 4e]

I’ve been kicking around various versions of this style in my head – and possibly have put an earlier version online: I can’t remember. But, wow, that Luke Cage trailer. That trailer is what reminded me of this style. Bricks who know how to fight skillfully; yeah, I’d watch that. Or play that.

Lock-On (20 pt)

This is a martial art designed specifically for ‘bricks:’ that is, superheroes with lots of strength and damage resistance.  It does not specifically teach how to punch or kick harder, however.  Teachers of Lock-On instead teach their students how to use their strength and bulk more effectively, plus how to subdue normal criminals without breaking them.  This style also encourages thinking in terms of three dimensions: students learn how to use heights and cover to their best advantage.  A well-trained Lock-On adept is not necessarily a ninja, but she would be taken seriously by one.

There is no real cinematic version of this style for superheroes.  A non-brick that learns this style might find someone who could teach her skills like Breaking Blow or Push, but the focus of Lock-On is deliberately practical. Also: no doubt some supervillain could come up with a version that is more aggressively damage-dealing, but this is already a fairly comprehensive style to learn. 

Skills: Acrobatics, Climbing, Judo, Jumping, Karate, Stealth

Techniques: Arm Lock, Attack from Above, Breakfall, Chokehold, Disarm (Karate), Evade, Feint (Karate), Handcuffing, Leg Grapple, Push Kick, Sweep, Trip

Perks: Improvised Weapons (Karate)



The material presented here is my original creation, intended for use with the In Nomine andGURPS systems from Steve Jackson Games. This material is not official and is not endorsed by Steve Jackson Games.
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