In the mail: By Crom!

The Kickstarter finally coughed it up.  I enjoyed it: aside from everything else, you can always tell when somebody’s really a fan, and Rachel Kahn is really a fan of Robert Howard’s Conan stories.  That gives her work a strength that I can relate to. Plus, Conan is actually giving her good advice!  …Because the character was not, in fact, stupid.  Which is something that I wish that Howard’s imitators understood better.

One thought on “In the mail: By Crom!”

  1. “Because the character was not, in fact, stupid. Which is something that I wish that Howard’s imitators understood better.”
    ^This. One hundred thousand times this.
    Just because someone does not value the things you do, does not make them stupid. It just means they value other things that you don’t.

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