Ahn’Tiz Pam
This spirit is a legend of the Darknet, and thus has precisely the documentation that you would expect. Contradictory legends peg Ahn’Tiz Pam’s origins as being chronicled in the more forbidden Sumerian tablets, various banned and suppressed reverse-Kabbala grimoires, and/or a set of supposedly random numbers spontaneously and blasphemously generated during the formation of ARPANet. Nobody knows any of its victims, but everybody online who is even remotely aware of the occult seems to know somebody (also invariably online) who’s bragged about successfully using the spirit to destroy spammers. Because that’s what it apparently and exclusively does.
Summoning Ahn’Tiz Pam is supposedly simple enough; go to a particular website, let the vaguely disturbing gif found on it run in a separate browser tab while you call up your email, and focus on a spam message while feeling rage, frustration, and spite. If the link turns green, you have gotten Ahn-Tiz Pam’s attention. If you then wish hard enough for the originator of that spam message to go away, the link will flash yellow for a moment, signifying that Ahn’Tiz Pam has acquired its target. And you will never get another spam message from that spammer again.
Does it work? Nobody in the relevant supernatural monitoring organization or organizations really knows, but something is apparently going on there, and it’s worrisome. Wherever Ahn’Tiz Pam comes from, the working theory is that it’s a place inimical to humanity’s best interests; so if the spirit really does murder spammers, it’s not doing so to improve the mortal world. Going from ‘using Evil to fight Evil’ to ‘using Evil to fight Good’ is an easier journey than many people would like to admit. After all, if you keep summoning devils in order to kill people then it very well may become a habit. Plus: there’s no reason to assume that Ahn’Tiz Pam is even murdering spammers in the first place. In certain negatively-aligned planes of existence, merely encouraging the desire in humans to harm others is cost-effective…
I am reminded of this ..
I am also reminded of this ..
..which gets progressively funnier .. even though it’s a tad dated.