Tweet of the Day, This May End In Street Violence edition.

Look, either you understand how some people react to the first two CBC series*, or you do not.

If you do not, well. Suffice it to say that various people will be staring at this one with narrowed eyes and hands casually near, but not resting on, various farm implements and portable light sources. Because there are certain things that our current culture does not do all that well, and Anne of Green Gables is very possibly one of them.

Moe Lane

*I grant that there are other television miniseries and movies set in that world, but I will not speak of them further.

4 thoughts on “Tweet of the Day, This May End In Street Violence edition.”

  1. I consider myself to be a reasonable example of a self-confident heterosexual male, or at least as much as you can be for someone who writes computer programs for a living. I enjoy sci-fi and fantasy, and generally rate my SF on the “Number of Exploding Starships” scale.

    And so help me, the thought of some bunch of Hollywood bozos messing with the sanctity of the One True Movie Version of that classic series is enough to make me start trying to figure out how to use my l33t sk1llz for destructive purposes for the first time…

  2. Dear Lord, why?
    Those of us who that don’t care about the story, will continue not caring about the story.
    Those that do care about the story, tend to do so with a burning intensity. It is very unlikely you’ll be able to please them.
    It seems like a lose/lose proposition to me.
    (Of course, those people I know who will be most horrified by this were also the people who had the most fun tormenting me about the butchery of the LotR movies. So my sympathy is extremely limited. I hope she surfs down the stairs.)

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