I know Steve Jackson Games’ rules about amateur work for GURPS and In Nomine fairly well: not surprising, because those two games made up the majority of all the gaming stuff that I was doing in the 1990s. But navigating through the rules for stuff from Pelgrane or Evil Hat or Pagan Publishing or a bunch of others is a project that I keep putting off, and it’s starting to affect content. There are limits to generic game material, honestly. Some of this stuff would be better if it was fueled by rules.
But apparently I don’t wanna do the research, which is why I’m writing this out. Hopefully, it’ll be an antidote for laziness. Or inertia. Or whatever.
On the topic of role playing, did your Stormloader page go the way of all flesh again?
I have no idea what’s going on, there. I can get at the files, but the pages won’t load anymore. And nobody’s getting in touch with me, either.
If Pelgrane have a general policy, I couldn’t find it. For 13th Age, they have reasonably permissive policies. (13th Age is a special case, being based on D20 OGL.)
John Wick Presents don’t seem to have any statement about 7th Sea, Second Edition. Then again, they don’t yet have much 7th Sea community stuff on the web.
While I’m here, could I put in a request for 7th Sea content? Please?
Oh, believe me, I want to write 7th Sea content.
And, following up on that: since they plan to have a DriveThruRPG hub where people can upload their own fan-generated 7th Sea stuff and sell it for money, I expect that putting up material here would be all right as well. But I want to get a feel for the new rules and setting first.