Ken Hite notes that The Prisoner is fifty years old this year:
The greatest television show of all time turns 50:
— Kenneth Hite (@kennethhite) September 6, 2016
I remember watching this show on cable when I was much, much younger than I am now – and it fascinated me. I also remember going through a considerable amount of trouble trying to track down a copy of GURPS: The Prisoner. …And unsuccessfully, at that. Well, at least, unsuccessfully until Amazon came along. That service has turned the hobby of searching for rare books into something like canned hunting, only without the negative moral and ethical overtones.
…OK, so it’s not really the best analogy, then. Work with me here, OK? It’s a weird world we’re in now.
Livin’ in the past was never so easy as now, when we’re livin’ in the future.
Email heading your way!
I… never cared for the show (ducks) It think it was largely because of the circular ending. I hate it when stories do that.
Get Aruges! *breaks out the pitchforks and torches for everyone*
The circular ending .. reset show to starting point .. is part of the tension.
It’s also a way where reruns of the shows can be run in no particular order since there isn’t a “meta-plot”.
It’s *also* likely an artifact of its’ age – “seasonal arcs” and “series arcs” evolved later. Green Acres, Hogan’s Heroes, Star Trek (TOS, obviously) all ended with the usual suspects roughly back where they started .. IIRC, The Avengers had a sort of meta-plot that advanced occasionally ..
I wanted to get a license plate that read KAR120C…was surprised when it was taken.
Be seeing you.
Star Trek TOS is also turning 50. Apparently BBC America is running all of season 1 and 2 unedited and uncut starting Thursday, so set your DVRs. Looks like they’re showing them in 70-minute blocks.