So, hey, [GRAND] Admiral Thrawn’s now in official Star Wars continuity, huh?

[UPDATE: I have been corrected on Twitter: it is GRAND Admiral Thrawn, and I should keep that in mind.  So noted.]

Come, I will conceal nothing from you: I’m not really what you’d call steeped in Star Wars lore, particularly when it comes to all that Expanded Universe stuff that got tossed out the airlock.  But I’ve heard of [GRAND] Admiral Thrawn nonetheless: he was one of the big ones, right?  One of the ones that fans really objected to being summarily dismissed? Welp, they brought him into Star Wars Rebels.

So you guys get that, at least.

3 thoughts on “So, hey, [GRAND] Admiral Thrawn’s now in official Star Wars continuity, huh?”

  1. The expanded universe books were of varying quality but the thrawn trilogy was better than most. Apart from that, I remember enjoying the Stackpole x-wing books quite s lot, the others not so much.

  2. This is actually nothing but confirmation of what we already knew. As Timothy Zahn, the guy who wrote the Thrawn series (which is IMHO, all the EU you needed), has already been tapped to write an “official” Thrawn origin story.

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