Tweet of the Day, I’d Have Given Her 2 Points Back For Thinking Fast edition.

I have a weakness for a well-timed witticism.  And this one would have gotten a chuckle in an Age of Enlightenment London coffeehouse, which is my personal gold standard for such things.  Of course, first you’d have to explain Marxism to those guys…

3 thoughts on “Tweet of the Day, I’d Have Given Her 2 Points Back For Thinking Fast edition.”

  1. ‘s marxism, though, so .. give her two points back, take one away, and give it to the rest of the class.

  2. My late history professor once told me that, on a bunch of French Revolution IDs, one student identified Danton as “the protagonist in the play ‘Danton’s Death'”. He gave the guy half credit for chutzpah.

  3. I kind of love that kid.
    I’d have given her full credit for that answer, with possible extra credit.

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