GURPS Spell: Monkey Do [GURPS Magic]


Monkey Do (VH)

This spell allows the caster to create a working replica of any mundane item he sees, whether or not he actually understands how it works!  The caster must have first-hand experience with the item to be replicated.  If the original item is a missile weapon or powered device, the spell includes ammunition and power for the duration of the spell.

This spell, unlike Create Object, is designed to allow mages to reproduce technological items. It is typically the province of archmages and other types of powerful magic users who are disinclined to share the secrets of this spell.

Duration: 1 minute.

Cost: 1 per pound of item weight (minimum 5). One-third cost to cast if the mage has a skill (of the right TL) that would let him build or repair the original item. Same cost to maintain.

Prerequisites: Create Object, Transform Object


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