The following is not a political statement: it is a “be a responsible adult” statement. If you feel the need to repeat, repost, forward, and/or otherwise pass along a potentially explosive story via social media, it is in fact your responsibility to track said story. This is because if it turns out that the story was in fact BS, you will are more or less obligated, as an aforementioned responsible adult, to issue a personal retraction in the exact same places where you spread the original message. Doing so will not fix things, but hopefully the embarrassment and shame that comes from admitting that you got duped by a fake story will keep you from repeating your doofus behavior the next time you’re at risk.
Thank you.
Moe Lane
*So if you are not currently losing your goram mind, please disregard.
2016 sure has been… interesting.
I was ready to revert to a save point back in, oh, say, February.
No save point. I have to eat, drink, and sleep to get through the day. Inventory space is amazingly limited. If someone had to click through all my stuff, to find the one special thing, they’d lose their minds. Romance options are supposedly wide open, but in practice very limited unless you’ve min/maxed for that one area. Healing from the smallest gunshot wound can take days, and a single headshot can kill.
Very, very unforgiving system. Hopefully the rumored 2.0 will be better.
At least we have plenty of hats.
None of them are included with the base game- all cost real money!
There are a crazy number of hats, but most of the hats seem to be player made. Fortunately, they all seem to be able to be bought with in game currency. Unfortunately, there are a lot of different currencies, and trading from one to another is a bit of a pain.
And smashing pots to find coins never seems to work. Known bug?
I hope they keep whatever logic branch I got into in the romance/family tree. 9/10, would live again.
Lots of grinding to get better gear and the level-up system is not clearly defined. On the plus side, the NPCs seem to have been well programmed and have great AI.
2016 .. yeah. I figure it’s got one more nut-punch left, so .. wear protection, eh?
Interesting in the sense of the ancient Chinese curse.
That’s because you’re a responsible adult.
There are any number of irresponsible adults-only-chonologically out there who are not so constrained.
Go far enough down their rabbithole, and there is such thing as objective truth. Just competing narratives, and the fiction of objective truth is just a tool “the man” uses to control you.
(Shrug) I tried to get one of them to admit that they were hysterical and inflammatory after every statement he made about the incident surrounding George Zimmerman and Travon deadthugwannabe turned out to be directly counter to the evidence.
It was a waste of my time. It doesn’t matter what the truth was, he had a higher truth. He was enlightened, and knew in his heart what had really happened, even if the forces of evil successfully covered it up.