5 thoughts on “Tweet of the Day, What’s The Joke Here OHHHH edition.”

  1. *squints*
    Oh…OhHoo. Now this, THIS should be documented as the art of our Age, rather than some half-*ssed blob on a pedestal.

      1. Well, give it a century or two. It’s still a perfectly good… What ARE those anyway? Asking for a friend.
        Anyway, half the problem with said blobs is they’re created *as* museum pieces, which kinda defeats the purpose. Unless one is curating an actual museum exhibit OF museums, which gets recursive and meta, so I’ll just stop now.

  2. That reminds me of the doodles I put on chalkboards in the Math Dept. when I was in college, hidden up in the corner behind monitors. One of my CS profs noted the pattern of the appearances, and he eventually figured out I was the one doing it. That was good for some laughs.

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