Firestar by Michael Flynn was written in 1996, and I’m increasingly reminded of it every time I read something on private space projects. I suspect that my readers who are unfamiliar with the book (basically, space opera of the near-future) will find it of no little interest: in particular, the way that ‘corporate’ is not used as a dirty word. I am mildly startled that it’s not available for the Kindle, but sometimes there are logistical issues involved.
And so, adieu to Bookburners. Wow, that one went fast.
Excellent book. I’d largely given up on science fiction as a genre when it came out. After all the grey goo, postmodern posturing, and navel gazing of the decade previous, it was so very nice to come across a really great science fiction book tart I didn’t have to reach thirty or more years into the past to find.
It went fast because you only posted bookburners two days ago…hell of a short week you got down there.
I reset on Sundays. Usually I don’t bother with that feature until the second half of the week, but I was surprised that Firestar hadn’t made the list already.