Well, here’s another Wonder Woman trailer.

:drumming fingers: I want to believe that this isn’t going to be bad.  I really do. But I can see either a really good Wonder Woman movie peeking out of this trailer, or a really bad one.  And I won’t know which one we’re all going to see until it actually comes out.

The central problem here is that I’m not sure if the people making DC movies really believe in the characters.  Oh, with the exception of Batman (and note that I’m only talking about the DC movies, not the shows or animated series): they can get their head around the idea of a superhero with a nigh-crippling obsession about making criminals pay for the murder of his parents. But in case you haven’t noticed: modern Hollywood has a hell of a time with taking Superman seriously and non-ironically as a concept, and I worry that they’re about to demonstrate that they’ve got the same problem when it comes to Wonder Woman.

This might not happen.  They might get out of the way of the character, which will allow us to have a good Wonder Woman movie, which would be spiffy. But they might not get out of the character, which is an excellent way to make sure that the movie sucks. We’ll see in June.

Moe Lane

PS: STOP with the origin stories!  Do what the Ed Norton Hulk flick (which was not bad) did: put it all in the opening credits.  If we’re confused about a character, trust me: we’ll look it up. Most of us do have handheld personal computers with access to the planetary information database at this point…

6 thoughts on “Well, here’s another Wonder Woman trailer.”

    1. Hollywood has trouble with earnestly good people, because no one there knows any earnestly good people to base their characters off of. Hence even Cap, in some rumored alternate timeline that may or may not exist, works for Hydra.
      Typical of the Eastern mumbo-jumbo that has taken over certain corners of culture, really: the only virtue is suffering. You can have success, but only if you feel guilty about it.

  1. It looks decent. I like period pieces. Gal Gadot looks like a believable WW. Chris Pine is likable. They seem to be trying to balance humor with serious themes.

    However, DC.

  2. P.S. Your point about a lot of the makers of the movies not really believing in their characters is very true. This is true of almost all of the DC movies and a few of the Marvel ones. Marvel has managed to avoid the minefield, however (with the exception of Iron Man 3.)

  3. I think your worry is well founded.
    If they can’t play the big blue Boyscout straight, what chance does Wonder Woman have?
    Unless they can use their own writers and directors, I think they would be much better off featuring second-tier heroes that Hollywood in its present state can actually handle. Batman, of course. But also Aquaman, Martian Manhunter, Green Arrow, Black Canary, Cyborg, Red Hood and Arsenal, Zatana (and Dr. Fate)…

  4. Oh, it’s worse than that, Moe.
    Look, “superhero” ideas are straight-up fantasy .. except that they’re mostly not, most use (abuse?) *science-fiction* tropes.
    Son of Krypton (arrived in a spaceship) or bitten by a radioactive spider (genetic mutation .. see also Wolverine, X-Men, etc.) or exposed to a gamma-ray overdose (Hulk) or cosmic rays (Fantastic Four) ..
    Wonder Woman, though, is made of *fantasy* tropes. Ancient Greek tribe of women warriors who *deliberately* turned their backs on uncivilized men for a century or more?
    They meanwhile developed stealth technology that’s orders of magnitude better’n anything we have seen? A *magic lasso*?
    This is the main problem with Wonder Woman .. it’s not a “superhero (with science fiction tropes)” story .. so it needs to be told differently.
    Who knows, D.C. might actually manage to do something good here .. because we *know* they can’t do “superhero (with science fiction tropes)” for [merde]…

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