The ‘Rogue One’ Honest Trailer.

To be honest, I didn’t have the problem with Rogue One that Honest Trailers had. I enjoyed the flick. It did what it came to do; it was a proof-of-concept by Disney that established that, sure, you could do successful movies in the Star Wars universe that weren’t revolving around the main trilogies.  We’re not talking high cinema, here, but Rogue One was pretty solid.


7 thoughts on “The ‘Rogue One’ Honest Trailer.”

  1. Agreed. I liked Rogue One a lot more than The Force Awakens, for what it’s worth.

  2. I could tell they re-wrote the movie halfway through production. This was enjoyable, but the other one looked like more than a bundle of callbacks.

  3. I didn’t have the problem with Rogue One every single movie in existence that Honest Trailers had.
    Fixed it for you. 🙂

  4. I enjoyed the movie thoroughly, but I think I enjoyed the trailer just a little more.

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