Dang. I just realized.

‘Mocking Earth Day’ counts as ‘activities affected by my retirement.’ …Dammit. Well, what can you do? Detox is detox.

9 thoughts on “Dang. I just realized.”

      1. The screaming nightmares are definitely a sign you need to cut back.
        Identifying with Hunter S. Thompson is another.
        Going cold turkey is the best approach for *most* addictions .. and I do commend your results.
        May I suggest there are ways to mock Earth Day without getting too political?
        Write up a Campaign Seed focusing on, I dunno, “the party must retrieve a G.E.C.K. from an environmentalist group who are going to detonate it at the Dallas Earth Day parade … the party must find ways to blend in …”
        Maybe just re-post “rolling tires down a ski jump” or .. retcon a scenario for why the Odessa tire fire was a necessary thing ..
        For that matter, was the whole March For Science idea dreamed up to get *certain* scientists out of their labs for a couple hours, and if so *which ones* ?

        1. Based on my social media, the March for Science would be a pretty good filter for “possible mad scientist.”

          Or, for a multiuniversal GURPS style game, multiple March for… marches show up, seemingly unrelated, with different aims, groups, etc. But all using similar fonts, images, tactics.

          I really want to organize a March for Cute Baby Animals.

  1. I can understand your wariness, as this is still a nerd cultural site, sooner or later there is a tendency to move…..”downstream.”
    However, mocking earth-day need not relapse to your former life. It’s quite universally risible.
    Perhaps take a broader view: people engaging in “X”-culture because we find it cool versus some who use it to validate their very being and maybe should get out more. Every group seems to have those…..

    1. Slightly icky question ..
      Is there going to be a wave of maternity/paternity-leaves in the science-employed fields in about 9 months?

      1. I doubt it. But further exposition would take me far Downstream, and over the waterfall of The Rules. I think you get my drift.

  2. I think there’s plenty of wiggle room.
    Mocking a false religion that wants us to move back into caves and adapt to a vegan diet as an article of faith, isn’t intrinsically political.

  3. To borrow a phrase: If mocking Earth Day is wrong, then I don’t want to be right.

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