Guess it’s time for my reminder to celebrities on Twitter: get off of Twitter.

I mean, I love Twitter and everything, but it’d be hard for me to end my career with one careless Tweet (mostly because my current career is ‘full time dad’). But if your livelihood depends on people you’ve never met assuming that you’re not a jackwagon, stay off of Twitter.  Because the jackwagon lurks within us all, and it can poke through at any moment.

Moe Lane

PS: I am certain that somebody will guess who I’m talking about.

11 thoughts on “Guess it’s time for my reminder to celebrities on Twitter: get off of Twitter.”

  1. Yeah.
    And we all hold a sincere appreciation of that TV show he did. Back in the day. Before the jackwagon began getting out.

      1. Said that a picture of a bunch of Wisconsin teenage cancer survivors meeting the Speaker of the House were actually being told by Ryan that they weren’t sexy enough to make the cut in the contest to be Trump’s next wife.

        1. It was really disappointing when it became apparent that his writing of Loki’s speech to the crowd in Germany came from the heart…

        2. Dayum.
          That’s just ..
          Don’t put people on pedestals, folks.
          They *fall off*. It’s *never* pretty.

        3. I wasn’t that bothered by it, since I already had a decent conception of my opinion of him as a person. What honestly bothered me more was his ham-handed insertion of current day talking points into the recent Agents of SHIELD TV arc.

    1. I’m amused and saddened that your comment didn’t narrow the field enough. I can think of three or four matches to that just in the last month or so. It’s a fallen world we live in, neh?

  2. I have said this in both job interviews and when interviewing people: “People show you who they are.”

    Twitter itself seems on paper to be a great idea: be able to share ideas and have debates in a completely impromptu and spur of the moment way. It allows you to see what people think without filter. That is the problem. Add in the ‘speaking to a crowd’ and then the ability of the internet to shield a person from thinking about the subject as a person, and you get jackwagonry.

  3. If I filtered my media based on odious political opinions, I’d lose lots of my favorite works, just based on Joss Whedon, Roger Waters, Tom Scholz and Tom Lehrer.

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