Tweet of the Day, The Raven Looks Kind Of Embarrassed To Be There edition.

He’s got that Hey, man, I have no fingers or thumbs, OK?  If I want to get downtown, this is how I get downtown look to him. Also: I’m not one to judge, but if I was hanging out with a raven I would like to think that I’d have a somewhat more exuberant view of life because, hey, I’m hanging out with a raven and that’s pretty cool, right? Ravens have personality, is what I’m saying.

3 thoughts on “Tweet of the Day, The Raven Looks Kind Of Embarrassed To Be There edition.”

  1. Knew a guy who bred raptors for the Fed Gov. He would sometimes travel around to different schools in the Mid Atlantic region with 7 or 8 birds to drum up interest in his program and because he wanted to share how neat these birds are. He would have a raven, 1 or 2 owls, 3 or 4 falcons/hawks and a golden eagle. The raven was by far the smartest, and could untie any knot they could think of if it felt like it.

    One morning he came down to feed his “flock” and found that during the night, the raven had untied himself from his perch and gone and untied all of the other birds, who were fluttering around the room getting into things when this guy opened the door. Where was the raven? He had flown back to his perch and was sitting there LOOKING at the door waiting to see this guys’ reaction when he opened it.

    Personality indeed.

    1. See, this is why I would hang out with ravens. I’m half convinced that they can sort of follow along when you tell them stuff.

  2. There has to be some game for which this would make a compelling triggering incident. An Adventure Seed or something like that.

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