First episode available here, or below:
Can finally share this ✭RADIO SHOW✭ I made w @mrchrislackey. It's X Files for the Scooby Doo generation #HPLovecraft
— Greig Johnson (@GreigARJohnson) May 9, 2017
I listened to the whole thing. Quiet & Bold is still finding its feet, as is usual for new projects; but the central conceit about the three characters (no spoilers, but it’ll be obvious about two minutes in) is certainly one that can offer long-term comedy and the banter seems blessedly free of topicality. I was able to follow along while doing something else, which is my usual rule of thumb for radio programs. So: go ahead, check it out.
“X Files for the Scooby Doo generation”?… I thought X Files was the X Files for the Scooby Doo generation… (born in the 60’s & 70’s)