Tweet of the Day, You Have To Read Past The First Tweet edition.

No, really.

I don’t want to give out spoilers, but the cultural stereotype being referenced in that thread is legitimate. More accurately, it’s a stereotype that is also a beloved horror trope, and you may yourself have remarked on it upon seeing it on display at the beginning of various horror movies involving places of residence.  In her position, I’d have thrown a grenade and run away screaming; I gather that her husband was at least tempted to do the same thing, which says many laudable things about his sense of self-preservation. You should at least get a chuckle over this.

9 thoughts on “Tweet of the Day, You Have To Read Past The First Tweet edition.”

  1. I… No, no, nope, nuh uh.
    Moe, you CAN’T post a story like that and NOT give us resolution in re: Dark Portals And Their Contents.
    It’s not fair!

    1. I’m THINKING about it. But the problem is, it’s a pretty good story on its own merits. There aren’t that many hooks there.

      1. I mean, yeah, Cool Story, Sis, but c’mon — we REALLY gotta know!
        Opportunities to witness Crawlspaces Of Doom and The Creature That Haunts The HVAC Return simply don’t show up that often on the rental market. I need CLOSURE, for crying out loud!

    2. To be fair, it hard to write interesting stories about people making good life-choices. I’m impressed Mrs. Cole got what she did out of it.
      {golf claps}

  2. Clearly, it’s the Schroedinger’s Cat of Evil Dimensional Portals. It doesn’t actually go anywhere, until you decide it does.

  3. I mean, it’s probably just a part of the basement with a dirt floor, and the AC return was repurposed from a coal chute or gas fireplace or something. Old house.
    But … now, I want to know where this place is.

  4. I just want to know how to read the daggum story.
    Is there a storify of it, or some other way to read the story without skimming pages of inane comments to find it?

    1. Scroll down her twitter feed. Start about 10 hours ago, when she’s talking about shopping for a house.

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