So, I have the Eye of Sauron on my hand.

Wart removal using liquid nitrogen, so see.  The first visit to the doctor was kind of owie.  This latest one was hurts like a sonuvabitch.  I figure that the next one is going to be all Dimensions of Pain.  In the meantime, it looks like I have a little miniature lidless cat’s eye on my palm. It’s not exactly disgusting*, but it’s kind of weird-looking and sufficiently tender that I ain’t driving anywhere today.

Moe Lane

*I was gonna take a picture, but we’re not twelve year olds.

5 thoughts on “So, I have the Eye of Sauron on my hand.”

  1. It’s not anywhere near your ring-finger, perchance? Asking for a friend.

  2. I’m guessing it looked approximately like this:

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