If I don’t see it tomorrow, I won’t get a chance until next week. Besides: third time’s the charm, right? I mean, technically I could have not actually gotten my new phone Wednesday, and maybe I could have rushed to the theater today and left my newly-fixed computer in the car, but either way it seemed more grownup to not try to force my schedule to conform. But tomorrow is free and clear, so I can go see It. Surely this will be possible.
Moe Lane
PS: Yes, I’m quite keen to see what happens tomorrow, too. I’m worried that it’s going to be a meteor strike, or something. Not that a meteor strike wouldn’t be cool, but I’d rather that I not endanger others in all of this.
I went to see it today. Generally quite happy with it, although there’s one scene that probably shouldn’t have been in there. Won’t elaborate.
I will note this. I went to the film, sat through it, then grabbed nummy Chik-Fil-A afterwards and drove home without realizing that I’d apparently cut myself at some point and while the cut wasn’t deep enough to actually cause me any pain, it was deep enough to bleed. A lot. As in “about a third of my face was bloody.” I’m guessing that the theater thought I was in costume? And I’m sure that the drive thru has seen weirder but a “Um, you have blood on your face” would have been nice at some point.
…Yeah that’s not helping any. 😉