Sundays are always a trial for my blogging.

It’s just been pretty quiet. I mean, today I didn’t do anything more interesting than go food shopping, take the kids to the library, and apparently come within thirty seconds of setting fire to the kitchen.  Too much olive oil on the potatoes, it would seem.

OK, so today was more exciting than I thought that it was. But I’m not exactly ticking over with ideas right now.  So, I dunno: anything interesting going on on your end?

12 thoughts on “Sundays are always a trial for my blogging.”

  1. Munchkin Shakespeare came in the mail this week. YMMV for Munchkin, of course, but I’ve enjoyed it so far.

    1. Obtain a duck. Pre-killed, pre-cleaned, and frozen is better because cleaning a duck is nasty work.
      Roast duck according to the instructions on the package. Remove duck from pan, place pan into refrigerator.
      Once duck is cool, feed it to your household animals.
      You *might* get children to eat a bite or two, once, for the novelty factor ..
      You can also blend it 1 part duck to 4 parts chicken or turkey in a chicken-and/or-turkey-and-whatever soup .. and if you’re doing soup, the *non-fat* portion of the drippings also go nicely this way.
      You can also, boil the bones and skin along with other poultry bones and skin for a nice broth.
      The fat, though. *THAT’S* what you’re after ..
      Fry up some potatoes *IN THE FAT*, either sliced or hash-browned in a “home style” or by glazing them with duck fat and roasting.
      For that matter, duck fat popcorn is also a delicacy.
      The stuff is *amazing* .. although buying a whole frozen duck is a rather expensive way to get a cooking fat.
      p.s. fortunately for me, a local grocery will sell me duck fat, pre-rendered and filtered and ready to rock and roll…

    1. These days, there are a lot of breweries making pumpkin or pumpkin spice beers for the holidays. St Arnold’s makes a pretty good one, but they’ll never have beers sold in DC.

      1. I’ve had a number of ‘pumpkin’ beers, actually, including ones made with or without pumpkin blossoms, ‘pumpkin spice’, and pumpkin. (I like Southern Tier’s Pumking best.)
        This one seemed notable just because I can’t recall seeing one marketed as a pumpkin *spice* beer, even though I’ve tried several where that was the only connection to the eponymous squash.

  2. I would love to have happy upbeat news, but .. we lost a brilliant young person last week.
    Junior Cat is fine, this was one of his more amazing age-cohort friends .. taken away *FAR* too young.
    So far, all are coping with it in non-self-destructive ways, but I’m keeping my eyes open.

  3. Put up 10 pints of applesauce. That’s from ~ a peck of apples from the local orchard.
    A satisfying activity.

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