The ‘Annihilation’ trailer.

I’ll be honest: having looked at the book reviews for the trilogy (Southern Reach) that this is based off of, I suspect that Annihilation is one of those movies where I’ll be happier for not having read the books. I can’t comment on the books themselves, because I haven’t read them; but the movie seems to be promising, in a creepy sort of way. I am more tolerant of creep-for-creep’s-sake in movies than I am in books.

6 thoughts on “The ‘Annihilation’ trailer.”

  1. From the Wikipedia article for the book:

    > They are the 12th expedition. The other expeditions have been fraught with disappearances, suicides, aggressive cancers, and mental trauma.


    Presumably the 12 expedition burned down, fell over, and then sank into the swamp. Different strokes and all that, but there’s nothing in that description that makes me want to read the book or see the movie.

    1. I don’t know. It seems more heavy on the pedestrian kind of disasters, but a well made ghost ship/house story is a great thing in science fiction.

      Heck, Simon Green made an entire series based around small stories of haunted sci-fi situations with the Deathstalker series. True, they were all variations on kind of a Lovecraftian/Alien theme, but they were fun.

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