If you’re still using Yahoo mail for anything important, yeah, reconsider that.

Because it got hacked. It all got hacked.

Verizon revised the number of breached accounts to three billion after receiving new information.

“The company recently obtained new intelligence and now believes, following an investigation with the assistance of outside forensic experts, that all Yahoo user accounts were affected by the August 2013 theft,” Verizon said in a statement.

If there is any ‘good’ news here, it’s that your Yahoo account either got security updates at the time, or else nobody actually used your data against you.  Or they did, but you didn’t notice… no, wait, that last bit’s not good news at all.  Sorry, I’m just trying to be nice about the situation. Anyway, Yahoo is probably not the best place to do anything secure with your email. If, indeed, it ever was.

One thought on “If you’re still using Yahoo mail for anything important, yeah, reconsider that.”

  1. There’s security somewhere on the internet?
    I still have a Yahoo account. It’s mostly for catching spam.
    My more important address, I don’t give out.

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