Dubbiel, Renegade Habbalite of Fate – Google Docs
Renegade Habbalite of Fate
Corporeal Forces: 5 Strength: 11 Agility: 9
Ethereal Forces: 4 Intelligence: 8 Precision: 8
Celestial Forces: 5 Will: 12 Perception: 8
Vessel: human male/4, Charisma +1
Skills: Climbing/1, Dodge/6, Emote/3, Fighting/4, Knowledge (AK: Home Area/4, Christian Theology/2, Fate/3, The Game/3), Language (English/3, Spanish/3), Large Weapon/6 (Sword), Lying/2, Move Silently/3, Ranged Weapon/5 (Shotgun), Survival/3 (Urban)
Songs: Attraction (Corporeal/4), Blood (Celestial/3), Entropy (Ethereal/3), Essence (Corporeal/2, Celestial/2), Healing (Corporeal/2), Motion (Ethereal/2, Celestial/6), Nimbus (Corporeal/5, Ethereal/4, Celestial/3), Numinous Corpus/6 (Wings), Shields (All/2), Succor (Corporeal/3), Thunder/6, Tongues (Ethereal/2)
Attunements: Habbalite of Fate, Impudite of Fate, Bad Company, Fated Future, File Extraction
Discord: Merciful/3
Role: Bum/6, Status/2 (Long story, so read it below)
Artifacts: Sword: Corporeal Artifact/4 with Summonable; Cup (Reliquary/2)
OK, so possibly he isn’t an angel after all. But Dubbiel isn’t convinced that he’s a demon, either. Right now, he’s not sure just what he is.
There’s nothing wrong with Dubbiel’s memory, though. The Habbalite quite clearly remembers what the original Plan was. It wasn’t the greatest Plan in the world, maybe, but it had potential, dammit. Why hold your light under a bushel when you could set yourself as a minor god — err, ‘Messenger of Christ’ — somewhere nice and out of the way? If the humans were going to be pitifully weak, one might as well get some benefit out of it.
The setup itself was quite simple, actually. Obviously, Dubbiel wasn’t about to get permission to pull this off from Kronos without some fairly onerous (if not eventually fatal) restrictions built in, so he’d have to go Renegade. Easy enough to contemplate — the Habbalite is often wistful of the days when he was sure that he was an angel doing Christ’s work — but a little trickier to pull off. First he had to know his enemies (that’d be the Game and his former coworkers in Fate, mind you), then he had to set up a good cover identity without anybody knowing about it, plus the necessary course of study to pick up all of the tricks that he’d need, and then of course there was the issue of losing his dossier.
It took him a while, but eventually it was all set up. All that remained was to break his Heart and run. He wasn’t expecting to end up with the Discord that he got, though. Of course, it could have been worse: he might have ended up being Selfless. That would have sucked.
It wasn’t until he started the Plan anyway that Dubbiel started to realize just how badly things were going to go. Being Merciful isn’t just a reluctance to kill innocents: if you happen to be very intelligent (like Dubbiel) and fully versed in the likely consequences of your actions (like most Servitors of Fate) and good at judging emotions (like most Habbalah) — you end up with some severe psychological issues. In short, he’s begun to develop the working approximation of a conscience, and he doesn’t like the sensation at all, at all.
Not that Dubbiel’s a Redemption candidate, either: he still wants to be set up somewhere where he can indulge his every whim and desire (even if he’s got nicer whims and less dark desires these days), and the Habbalite is pretty sure that becoming an Elohite will put the kibosh on that fairly quickly. So, the Plan is still in effect: he’s still going to get his pampering, except that Dubbiel will actually have to actually do things to earn it. That can be managed and worked around.
Maybe. The Habbalite is having a bit of a problem keeping a properly low profile: you would think that a respectable Habbalite could walk past a brat dying of pneumonia without twitching a muscle, but it’s all the damn crying. You can’t kill it, and you can’t resonate it into being quiet for long, so it’s just better to heal it so that it’ll shut up. Do that a couple of times, and word gets around: maybe that’s good for business, but Dubbiel wasn’t planning to be the Hobo King, or any crap like that. But just try to get out of a hundred different Role-relationships when any one of them might be tangled up with the continued preservation of a human life, though. Just try, and see where it gets you.
Pretty soon he’ll start to make waves that will be Officially Noticed, by either Side. That’s not necessarily good news — for anybody, really, but especially the poor buggers tasked to go get him. You see, Dubbiel may not be an angel, and he’s certainly no proper demon, but there is still one thing that he most definitely is.
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