I didn’t have any difficulty getting a ticket: of course, I’m going a 10 AM showing because the kids will be in school and mid-morning is the best time for me to catch a movie. I’m looking forward to it, without the same desperate urgency as from two years ago. As a geek, I rather badly needed The Force Awakens not to suck. From what I’m hearing, Star Wars: The Last Jedi will not have that problem.
Still: please, God, don’t let it suck.
Moe Lane
PS: This will be a spoiler free zone for Star Wars until at least the New Year. But two, three weeks isn’t so bad, really.
So my FB message to you yesterday wasn’t helpful?
Nah, I had already seen that tweet. 🙂 Was a good Tweet, though.
It did not suck. The ending destroyed me. (10/10)