This isn’t hard, Hollywood.
Adolf Eichmann was a horrible mass murderer who absolutely deserved to be kidnapped, brought to Israel, given a fair trial, then hanged. The people who made this happen were righteous men and women who fought on the side of the angels. There’s no equivalence. It’s mildly insulting to suggest that there might be.
I’m gonna have to see the reviews on Operation Finale first, I think. Which is a shame. Played straight, it’s a great story.
“Come hell or high water, Eichmann would be caught.” One of the few lines I remember from reading the book on that operation back in sixth grade.
But if it’s Eichmann himself who is doing the suggesting, it kind of makes sense. He was a monster, but I don’t think he considered himself one. I think this movie deserves a chance.
I didn’t get any bad vibes from that, Moe. I got “Ben Kingsley is really good at his craft.”
This is, of course, true about Kingsley.