Sweet merciful Lord, they’re making a Starflight 3.

I played the first Starflight back in college, and the hype here is real: it’s one of the seminal science fiction exploration games. It had space exploration, diplomacy, combat, planetary resource management, an elaborate backstory, a difficult moral quandary at the crux of the game, and an absolutely merciless save system if you didn’t have a hard drive on your computer.  Yes, it was that long ago.  This is a pure nostalgia hit, folks: true-quill and injected right into the vein.  Forget buying it: I’m trying to keep myself from investing in the game.

That’s apparently Fig’s shtick: you can back projects, or invest in them.  $250 gets you a share in whatever profits accrue.  What’s stopping me?  Well, aside from the obvious: I don’t know anything about video game investing, which means that I’m a prime candidate for losing my shirt over doing so.

Still.  Starflight 3.  Woo-hoo!

One thought on “Sweet merciful Lord, they’re making a Starflight 3.”

  1. I’ve been looking for a worthy successor to Starflight for a long time. Star Control 2 comes close, and The Long Journey Home certainly tries (though its unforgiving difficulty level keeps me from getting very far). We’ll see whether Starflight 3 is the successor Starflight deserves.

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