Really, I… do not know.
Visually, it’s pretty close (although there’s something about the hair that bugs me). Tonally? I’m not sure that this is the right take on Hellboy. Which means, by the way, that I’m not sure that this is the wrong take on Hellboy, either. I dunno. I may simply be too loyal to the del Toro/Perlman version. Which may be unfair of me, sure.
Moe Lane
That does not seem encouraging.
First trailers are often awful, to be fair.
Sure. The makeup on Barbour’s face doesn’t look great–they could fix that in post, I guess, but it seems like that would keep them real busy until release. I’m not real clear on why Daimio or (apparently) the entire BPRD is based in the UK, but it’s also not clear what story they’re trying to tell–looks like bits of stuff involving Hecate, the Osiris Club, and part of the BPRD comic, all sorta thrown into a blender and some of it renamed as they went.
I really want to give it a chance, though. If IMDB is to be believed, Lobster Johnson makes an appearance.
I have a bad feeling about this.
No Perlman, no watch for me.
On the plus side, it has Ian McShane. But I don’t see anything in the trailer that that stands out from the original and says “See? THIS is why Hellboy is supposed to be!” I suppose I’d watch it if I could stream it on Netflix, but I’m not going out of my way to see it.
Huh, you guys didn’t like that? Now, I never read the comic–my exposure is just to the Perlman movies, but I liked the trailer.
I’m holding out hope that the trailers will improve, because they usually do.
Is that a variant of the Nerd’s Prayer, Moe?
“Please don’t let it suck!”
More seriously .. the first ‘Hellboy’ movie wasn’t bad, but in spots it *really* dragged, suffering from trying to load too much head-canon, I think.
Needed to ignore a few more watermelons.
Never managed to sit through the second one .. and was surprised that it did better’n the first.
Anyway .. the one thing the Hellboy franchise doesn’t need is a “gritty reboot” .. so as long as they manage *that* ..