@KatinOxford has had it with simplistic complaints about Susan Pevensie and The Last Battle. Absolutely had it. So she brought the thunder.
Many moons ago (I think like two weeks) I gave you guys a semi-drunk thread on why you are all wrong about Susan Pevensie from The Chronicles of Narnia.
Here is my more eloquent scholarly thread on why you all are still wrong about Susan Pevensie. *rustles up academic papers*
— Kat Coffin Head of the Tortured Scholars Dept. (@KatinOxford) December 27, 2018
She brought it so hard that almost nobody’s dared to argue back. Not that they should, because her argument is so self-evidently correct it’d almost be silly to try.
I didn’t even realize this was a serious debate. Mostly seems like snobs who can’t get beyond Lewis’ Christianity to begin with.
There’s a certain author who can’t quite get past the fact that he took the best swing he could at Lewis, yet didn’t manage to knock him down.
It’s an idea that comes up from time to time. As the chain of posts mentions, the most high profile incident in the recent past has been an interview in which J. K. Rowling espoused the view. The idea seems utterly and completely alien to me, and I personally can’t see how anyone could fail to see Susan’s case as someone distracted from God by vanity and pride. But it’s apparent that at least some do.
But given the general obsession that we as a human race has with sex, and the insistence on inserting it into some of the weirdest contexts imaginable, perhaps I shouldn’t be surprised.
Don’t overthink it.
Appeals to Christianity and Western Civ = evil patriarchy in NPC script.