Book of the Week: Trading in Danger.

I had another book picked, but the author turned out to be crazy. So let’s go with Elizabeth Moon’s Trading in Danger, which is the first book in her Bujoldian(?) science fiction series Vatta’s War.  Go ahead and guess what it’s about!  …Yup.  Family, responsibility, and having to be the one who the universe apparently assigned the job of cleaning up all of this nonsense.  Oh, and there’s a war going on.

Like I said: ‘Bujoldian.’

5 thoughts on “Book of the Week: Trading in Danger.”

  1. Sounds like there is a story there, or perhaps not.

    Hmm, if one encountered a lovecraftian horror, but merely found it to be crazy without the usual corrupting effects….

  2. A) finished The Hot Rock last night and ordered the next few already.
    B) since when is ‘sane author’ a precondition for enjoying a book?

    1. Just like there’s “funny ha-ha” and “funny ‘call 911!'”, there’s also “crazy but fun” and “crazy, just run!”.
      Most authors are .. eccentric. Some are crazy but fun. Some .. are dangerous-crazy.

      1. Well sure – but Moe isn’t inviting the author over to eat dinner or watch the kids (are you?), he’s sharing the existence of a story he enjoyed. Very few people are so monstrous that I can’t separate the artist from the art – i.e. Stephen King is a raging loony nowadays and I no longer buy his books, but I’ll read the older stuff I own and pick new things from the library or secondhand so he gets no monies from me.

        1. There’s “That’w weird but not my business” and then there’s “Buying the hangman a nice stretch of rope for later.”
          I suspect your Stephen King rule is related in this case, as crazy authors only seem to run in one direction these days….

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