February Patreon Pledge Drive: 2/7/2019.

Goose egg yesterday: so we’ll just have to try harder. As I noted here, I’ve made it easier to read the first two chapters of my SF Pulp serial The Bold Marauder. Still more will be done.

And remember: if we hit $200/month this month people get a free new chapter from my in-progress future-fantasy novel Assault on Malstorm Base! Cool, huh? I agree: very cool.

One thought on “February Patreon Pledge Drive: 2/7/2019.”

  1. Wildly off topic. I just finished Bank Shot – the second Dortmunder you recommended and not quite as good as the first – but three things struck me oddly enough to run by you.

    1) where the normal list of authors other works is was in this case labeled “other books”, none of them written by him, low comedy to be sure.

    2) the book is dedicated to Bill Goldman, could be anyone or could be THE William Goldman?

    3) I’m no expert, I’m not even an amateur, but I swear the author photo is Shel Silverstein.

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