Who greenlit the Princess Bride musical? GIVE ME A NAME.

Whoever it is, I want you to go sit in the corner and think about what you have done:

Apparently people who have rank in the world of making musicals have been talking about making The Princess Bride into a Broadway musical for years now. Things had been at a bit of a standstill for quite some time until just recently, when a new creative team was hired to pull this thing together.


Contra Geektyrant, at least this fan don’t want to show up for this: I want to smack somebody upside the head for approving this project. In my opinion, The Princess Bride is perfectly fine the way it is. I feel that it does not need songs unnaturally grafted onto its body like a musicological Frankenstein’s monster. I also feel that it does not particularly want them, either.

And get off my lawn!

Moe Lane

PS: If you like the idea, that’s cool. It’s a free country and maybe I’m wrong. I mean, I’m not wrong, but I could be. It wouldn’t violate any of the laws of physics if I was.

8 thoughts on “Who greenlit the Princess Bride musical? GIVE ME A NAME.”

  1. Only tangentially related, but the edition I read included an author’s introduction. It turns out that Goldman wrote the Fezzik part in the screenplay specifically for Andre the Giant, and prior to securing him to play the role.

    Trivia, but I thought you might find it interesting.

  2. So you’re saying this is… *Ahem* “inconceivable”?
    I regret nothing. Also, your lawn is really nice.

    1. You do realize that if this thing actually comes together, there will almost certainly be at least one song about that word.

  3. I .. agree. More or less.
    That said, apparently the idea of a Princess Bride musical has been around for over a decade ..

  4. From the creative team that brought you a hip-hop version of the American Revolution…the classic tale of Buttercup and Westley infused with a country funk-pop beat…The Princess Bride, opening at the Curran Theater for a three week engagement…featuring Lin Manuel Miranda as Prince Humperdink, Justin Beiber as Westley…and Miley Cyrus as Buttercup… a makeup-free Billy Crystal reprises his role as Miracle Max…get your tickets now!

  5. Also, Jason Alexander plays Vizzini, and Mario Lopez will play Inigo Montoya. (Enrique Iglesias was unavailable.)

    And in a brilliant piece of counterintuitive casting, the role of Fezzik will be played by Peter Dinklage.

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