Well 21 Bridges looks fun.
Chadwick Boseman is a NYPD cop called in to track down two idiots who brought automatic weapons to a robbery and then killed eight cops when it all went wrong*. How will track them down? By shutting down Manhattan (’21 Bridges’ is a reference to that) and then swarming it with every cop they can find**. This is just close enough to what would actually happen — if two crooks were stupid enough to get into a shootout with cops (there’s a reason why professional criminals don’t use automatic weapons in this country, and it’s not just because those things are so expensive that they’re worth more on the black market) — to put it on my Oh, wow list.
That, and Boseman looks good in the role. Guy’s clearly planning to use his current fame to get some decent parts in. Which is smart. He probably doesn’t want to be Black Panther forever.
Moe Lane
*Pretty much the classical definition of ‘idiot,’ really.
**There’s also some kind of conspiracy going on, because.