Two weeks left on The Sword Interval Vol 2 Kickstarter.

This Volume 2 Kickstarter is for Ben Fleuter’s excellent magical apocalypse webcomic The Sword Interval, which I can’t recommend enough (and is fortunately/unfortunately* starting to look like it’s coming to a climax). I have Volume 1, and have eagerly backed this one, too. It’s well worth your time.

Moe Lane

*Well, you know. When a story’s over, it’s over, right? Leave the shambling undead on the screen or page, not in your creative flow.

3 thoughts on “Two weeks left on The Sword Interval Vol 2 Kickstarter.”

  1. Thanks for pointing this one out. I’m on episode 90 right now and if it’s ending, I think I’ll take it a little slower so as to savory a good story told well.

  2. A story needs to reach an end.
    I’m going to miss it when it’s over, but a song without an end is just noise.
    (I still want to see the outline for the rest of Lovecraft is Missing. Curse author existence failure!)

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