Ah, that blessed moment of silence…

…when the kids are engrossed in their electronics (after pizza, ice cream, and the pool) and the wife is taking a nap in the other motel room bed. Oh, there’s noises. But they’re noises I don’t have to CARE about.


Damn, typing that out was like a magic spell, apparently. See you later.

2 thoughts on “Ah, that blessed moment of silence…”

  1. > Damn, typing that out was like a magic spell, apparently.

    Or the GM was getting bored with the party’s down-time and decided to fudge the Random Encounter roll. “Moe’s on watch, and we haven’t had anything happen in a while. Let’s pick something from the random event tables.”

    Not that I’ve ever done anything like that, mind you. Recently, at least.

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