Amazon to develop EVENT HORIZON, solely to bedevil my wife.

I’m joking, kinda. For a while there back in the day it was like the original EVENT HORIZON movie was stalking my wife; she absolutely HATES that kind of movie, but it was popular among our crowd. So, during one summer, every time somebody suggested a science fiction movie, it was always EVENT HORIZON. What made it even worse was that people weren’t doing it as a joke on her; they were all different groups she was hanging out with.

…What’s that? Good God no, I’m not going to surprise her with the new series on Amazon. I’ve known that woman for more or less twenty-five years, been married to her for over a decade; I’m not going to be casually cruel like that. I also don’t want to die.

4 thoughts on “Amazon to develop EVENT HORIZON, solely to bedevil my wife.”

  1. Event Horizon.

    Dynamite idea.

    Excellent casting.

    Very very well done at first. Great atmosphere, right touch of menace.

    Kind of went sideways at the end, eh?

  2. I didn’t really “get” the popularity of the movie. I mean, it was a good enough movie about hyperspace being a sanity-blasting (bordering on hellish) place. (shrug) The local library where I grew up was stocked with Cordwainer Smith and the like, so the premise was verging on trite to me. (And it blew my mind that friends who had introduced me to so many good reads had never before encountered the trope.)

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