YouTube keeps showing me clips from Sharpe, and they’re invariably filled with people that I would naturally assume to be utter jackwagons on sight who then turn out to be actually personable, in a deeply entertainingly sarcastic sort of way. Is it worth the time to watch, though? I can probably maintain using nothing but YouTube clips.
14 thoughts on “Are these Sharpe TV series any good?”
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I enjoyed all the eps I saw back in the day. And it’s nice to see a young Sean Bean who doesn’t die all the time.
Man in Black: I will give you one hundred guineas in gold, and safe passage to America.
Patrick Harper: America? That’d be nice. But you see, the King of England, owes me last month’s wages. And I’d never sleep easy in America knowing that that bastard owes me a shilling.
You have to watch it, Moe. For Harper. For Ireland.
I did the same thing with YT clips a couple months ago. Pretty decent stuff all around. You’d probably enjoy it, and even the pulp YA novels they’re based off of.
The Sharpe movies were produced by the BBC quickly and in large number, a blueprint that has not been repeated for any other lengthy book series worthy of adaptation, more’s the pity. The source material is neither Pulp Or YA, rather meticulously researched historical novels that when read by internal vhf tonight rather than publication parallel the career of Wellington from India to Waterloo. Get them on DVD of possible from the library or used, enjoy them in order of release, and marvel at the quality of the acting and the period music composed and performed by one of the minor supporting players.
Having watched all the films prior to reading the books myself, it is in this particular case not bad. The books contain detail and depth that is frankly unfilmable but the films are faithful to the spirit of the character.
With that thought as inspiration, let us all take a moment and ponder Flashman: The Movie.
I’ve gotten bogged down in my Flashman reading by the necessity …, OK, by my compulsive need… to go back to the original source material before reading each novel.
I’ve heard that Royal Flash was not bad, but I haven’t seen it yet. For some reason.
Also check out the criminally unknown Fenwick Travers novels…derivative and Americanized Flashman equivalents starting in the Spanish American war. Only three the last time I checked but good enough that I remember them 20 odd years later.
Spoiler: It’s a Musical.
(Obviously, I disbelieve the existence of any such abomination.)
My bad on the categorization. Only really got blurbs while binging the YT clips, and can’t edit the comment. 🙁
Dang it, that was supposed to be a general reply, not a specific one. Anyway, I’m honestly surprised you haven’t seen Sharpe yet.
Watch it. BBC quality content from before the crazy times.