Yeah, yeah, I know.
But bear in mind that I liked the last two, so I’m not not looking forward to this. I expect to have a good time at the theater. STAR WARS: RISE OF SKYWALKER is not going to be a marvelous cinematic experience for me, but it’ll have a nice beat and I’ll be able to dance to it.
Besides, after this the ‘grand saga’ is done. Oh, they’ll try to inflate something else, but it won’t matter. It’ll all be over, and the overriding message will be clear: hereditary aristocracies suck. It’s a good message, really.
At this point, it’s going to be what it’s going to be. I am trying to keep in mind that Abrams likes for his advertising to be a bit misleading about where his movies go, so I fully expect that bit at the end, there, to be some sort of dream sequence.
I see a kid with a snow-globe … kanly isn’t off the table ..
I am just thinking of it being another Force vision for Rey.
I see a kid with a snow-globe … kanly isn’t off the table ..
Well, the folding lightsaber made me think about the Blade of Mercy, I’ll give it that.
“A giant butterfly knife made out of frickin laser beams.” Thank you, Vodkapundit.
Best line I’ve seen so far: “Sith-army Knife.”
Star Wars was a great trilogy.
And there were some memorable books based off of it.
Too bad nothing else has been done with the franchise.
When Disney foolishly disavowed the books, I knew they would take the franchise only as seriously as Lucas, and make it just as memorable as you describe.
Aye, just like the Matrix.
Sorry. Star Wars is dead to me. I can find no enthusiasm even for the idea of closure.
Force Awakens is fine, if somewhat derivative movie.
Last Jedi is a bloated mess that might have an okay movie somewhere inside it.
My expectations for Rise of Skywalker is pretty low at this point. Bringing back Palpatine (and Darth Vader?) feels like something out of amateur fanfic. It seems only right to say, “I’ve got a bad feeling about this.”
This is pretty close to my opinion, though I’m glad to see Palpatine. Derivative he may be, but the Sith plotline in the movies and the extended universe (peace be unto it) has always fascinated me.
And Ian McDiarmid, at least, can act.
Oh, the whole thing was lost years ago .. when Spielberg punched out and let George Lucas retake creative control after ‘Empire’. It’s just been a slow train-wreck since.
If you were to force me to guess .. I’d say the point to these movies is to make a quick buck, then .. truck the *entire thing* into the Disney Vault for a decade .. and start over.
Just one more point: the Lightsaber…
I am reminded of an exchange from Hunt For Red October:
Ryan: ‘Can you launch an ICBM horizontally?’
Skip: ‘Sure. Why would you want to?’
It says a lot about how my enthusiasm for this franchise has waned that I completely forgot to watch the new trailer when I got home from work yesterday.
Here’s my problem: The *one* point TLJ legitimately made in its interminable story was, “Let the past die. Kill it if you have to.”
You don’t get to use nostalgia as a marketing tool in a sequel to a movie that intentionally slaughtered the lore and original characters. Not that I’m surprised that JJ Abrams would resort to unearned callbacks. It’s pretty much his MO these days.
I don’t buy the Rey Mystery Box. The character has to have something to fall from to fall in the first place. It’ll either be a vision, or a fake-out.
So does it entice me? Not one bit.
To be fair, ‘Unearned’ could be the epitaph for the entire Star Wars franchise- which is sad since they have been coasting on nostalgia for… 30(!) years?
I’m not saying whether I’ll go see that movie yet, or not. All I’m saying is that, if I hear enough good things about it…
Jumanji will probably get two more ticket sales at a show time that matches up with the show time for Star Wars.