Trying an experiment.
The House, Part 1
It took me a long time, but I finally found the ‘haunted house’ that I knew had to exist, somewhere. And God, but how I always hated that insipid term! It reliably conjured up for me frustrating memories of too many nights wandering through poorly insulated hallways and listening to pablum dressed up as lore. Even then, I found myself reliably bored with the childish diversions that the parapsychologists and ghost-chasers always tried to foist off on me.
Still worse was when I was presented an actual manifestation of the supernatural, already pinned to the wall and ham-handedly dissected by plodding researchers. In most ways, I preferred the charlatans and the honestly deluded; the former knew how to entertain, and the latter could often be unwittingly entertaining. But there is nothing so tedious as a man or woman who has found something genuinely uncanny, only to try to tame and explain it away into something that their limited minds can grasp. The field of parapsychology is full of pygmies, standing on the backs of other pygmies; and if that observation bothers you, well, if I wrote out my name here you would bite your objections back right swiftly. For even if you did not value my opinions, you would be desperate to avoid losing any access to my money.