Tweets of the Day, They Both Raise Excellent Points edition.

Here’s the scenario.

And here is the point-counterpoint to it.

They both have a point, don’t they? And there’s no way to tell ahead of time who’s right. I guess that the original poster will just have to, you know, roll them bones.

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14 thoughts on “Tweets of the Day, They Both Raise Excellent Points edition.”

    1. Doesn’t it, though? Are we sure the gentleman isn’t related to Thulsa Doom? ^_~

  1. The diamonds are what got my attention. I hope that guy has lots of cash or a good life insurance policy. He’s asking his wife to spend thousands on this project.

    1. Nah, if you scroll down the timeline, the request is that the rest of his body be sent to a company that produces “gemstones” from your ashes. He’s not looking for *real* diamonds.

      1. It costs thousands to have this done. I was intrigued and looked it up. A blue 1 carat is $18k if memory serves. FWIW, they’re real diamonds, just not natural ones.

        1. Yeah, it’s one of those things that you don’t REALLY want to do, but you find yourself looking at price lists anyway, isn’t it?

          1. It’s specifically one of the things we’ve told Junior Cat he can do with us if he wants.
            He’s also mentioned having us cremated and our ashes pressed into records. (vinyl disks with our favorite songs cut on ’em)
            Kind of “Yeah, that’s my dad’s playlist, he’s baked into it”.

  2. KingMe is wrong. First, as someone replied, “Nope. That’s how you get ancestral household spirits. Different.”

    But also, “giving the deceased what he wants” is the exact opposite of how you get ghosts.

  3. Sounds like a high paranormal risk whatever you call it. At that point it’s not what you’re going to call, but
    *dons sunglasses*.
    Who you’re gonna call? [yeeeaaaggghhh!]
    Oh come on someone had to say it.

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