01/26/2020 Snippet: More from IN HOC SIGNO VINCES.

I should have done this a while back. Yeah, I say that a lot.

Fine,” thought Liz’a. “If that’s the way you want to play this.” Aloud, she suddenly shouted, “How dare you spill soup on me, human?!” Liz’a stood, pulling Callie up with her with one hand, not quite dragging her off the stool. “I think you need to be taught some manners!”

The humans seeing this were horrified, and offended, and a few of the burlier ones moved their hands towards certain bulky parts of their tunics until a short head-shake from Callie made them relax. Some of the orcs looked disgusted too, though. Rather more than Liz’a expected, in fact. That was a bit of a comforting thought as she propelled the human out into the night and around a convenient corner.

In every camp, there’s always a place around that can give people a chance to have a quiet word or three. In this case, there were a couple of wagons parked close enough to make for a little privacy. Liz’a took a quick look around as they entered the impromptu corner. Nobody looking on: good.

“Jesus Christ, Centurion,” Callie said, low but not too angry. “You people are as subtle as a hurricane.”

“Don’t swear,” said Liz’a. “It bothers me.”