02/17/2020 Book Report.

Revisions, revisions! Revisions!
Revisions, revisions! Revisions!
Who, day and night, must scribble and then fiddle,
Fix a line and passage, check his scattered notes?
And who has to fight, as writer of the book,
To save the darlings in his tome?
The Author, the Author! Revisions.
The Author, the Author! Revisions.

Moe Lane

PS: Four chapters done.

3 thoughts on “02/17/2020 Book Report.”

  1. Moe,
    I suggest a re-read of Butcher’s “Dresden Files” .. especially volumes 1 and 2 .. in affirmation of the “at some point, ya gotta let it out into the world”.
    I’m not at all worried about your work having Butcher-level problems.
    tl;dr “Please, be at peace and accept my money”.

    1. Oh, I think that I’m still OK. I wrote it, had the alpha reader tell me the problems, revised, had the beta readers give their impressions, and now I’m going through the new pass-through. I’ll let my wife take another, low-level gander at it and then I send it off to the copy-editor. Assuming I can FIND one. You’d think that I could schedule something four months in advance.

      1. I am told, by an acquaintance who self-published, that .. the publishing industry appears to be run by armadillos.
        This is based on nothing happening on time, most replies being scratchy and difficult to read, conference calls filled with incomprehensible jargon, and most of the people encountered having unusually thick skins and a remarkable lack of self-awareness.
        Sadly, my acquaintance is also in desperate need of a copy-editor .. Mrs. Cat regularly reports the latest grammatical groaner from their blog.

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